A combination of asanas for weight loss for yoga practitioners

Everyone knows that yoga brings incredible benefits to the body. It is important that with the help of yoga exercises you can always be slim and mobile. To get your body back to its natural shape, slimming asanas are great.

Design a weight loss program

Complex asanas for weight loss can be made independently by those who already have experience in yoga.

There must be a warm-up at the beginning of the lesson, 5-10 minutes are allotted for that. After that, asanas are made in different positions. It is important to know that morning yoga is the most effective.

girls do yoga to lose weight

Twisting pose

The best yoga asanas for weight loss are rotating poses (Bharadvajasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Sage poses, etc. ). They activate the digestive system, cleanse the liver and kidneys. When the gut is functioning properly, it fights fat deposits and supports the rest of the body.

Standing pose

To do asanas while standing, you need to master body balance. They build strength in the muscles. To lose weight, the exercises Chair, Eagle, Tree, Hero, Crescent, Triangle are perfect. For example, Chair posture strengthens the spine, legs and hips. Asana Warrior stretches the muscles of the shoulders, upper back, abdomen. The Crescent and Triangle strengthen the lower limbs, strengthen the spine, and activate the digestive system.

Asana upside down

This exercise stimulates the abdominal area and thyroid gland. They relieve tension in the back well. For yoga practitioners to lose weight, it is important to include shoulder stands and Plow exercises in the asana complex. Try holding this position for 60 seconds.

yoga asanas for weight loss

The position with the smooth arch of the back (fish, bridge) is perfect.

Bend forward

Do it sitting or standing. In this aspect, the poses of Face Down Dog, Uttansana, Upavishtha Konasana, Prazarita Padottanasana are perfect. They work on the hamstrings, strengthen the calves, make the digestive organs function, relieve stress and tension.

Relaxing Pose

All yoga sessions end with relaxation. It lasts from 5 to 10 minutes. This allows the body to calm down, relieve anxiety, stress, which, in turn, will affect weight loss. To relax, you can use Shavasana, Balasana or Child poses.

It is very effective to set aside a few minutes a day for meditation to calm the mind, relax the body completely.

Below is a yoga complex for weight loss.

yoga asana complex for weight loss

Complex asana for harmony

The set of yoga exercises recommended for weight loss is chosen so that the asanas harmoniously affect the body. For a better understanding, the exercises are shown in the pictures.

Tadasana or Mountain Pose

Exercises are recommended to be done between exercises or as separate asanas to coordinate posture. To do Tadasana, you need to lift the upper limb upwards through the sides, pull the body upwards.

yoga tadasana pose for weight loss

While maintaining the pose, focus on the major muscles of the body. Breathe through the nose.

Uttanasana (lean to foot)

Uttanasana is one of the main yoga asanas. It calms the mind and body, stretching the muscles in the thigh area.

uttanasana yoga poses for weight loss

To create Uttanasana you need:

  • Stand up straight, legs open, arms resting.
  • Inhale and slowly lean forward. When it is difficult to keep your knees straight, you can bend slightly.
  • Lower your hands in contact with the floor or grip your lower legs.
  • Hold for 30 seconds.
  • Take a deep breath, get up.

Cobra pose

Bhujangasana or Cobra pose well strengthens the spine, back, and stretches the shoulders.

Exercises are performed from a prone position, facing down. To get up, lean on your forearms, keeping your elbows close to your chest. Inhale while straightening your arms. Try pulling the upper body higher. Stay in the asana for 30 seconds. While exhaling, go to the starting position.

cobra yoga pose for weight loss

You cannot do asanas for pregnant women and with spinal cord injuries.

Pose the Dog Down

Exercise perfectly develops the muscles of the thighs, calves, strengthens the upper limbs. Facilitates painful menopause.

Dog's starting position Facing down, standing on all fours, arms and legs shoulder -width apart. While exhaling, slowly lift the buttocks up, straighten the lower limbs. Hold in the pose from one minute to three and go to the starting position.

Virabhrdrasana or Hero Pose

Virabhrdrasana will stretch the thigh muscles perfectly and relieve back pain. It is necessary to stand upright, bring your right foot forward, make a lunge at a distance of about one meter. Bend the knee to form a 90 -degree angle. After that, simultaneously lift the straightened arms upwards. Stay in the asana for five breathing cycles and repeat the same, but with the left foot.

yoga warrior poses for weight loss

Uttikhta Trikonasana or Triangular Pose

To perform Uttihta Trikonasana, you must:

  1. Place your feet at a distance of 90-120 cm from each other, turn the left one 90 degrees outwards, and the right one only 45 inwards. Raise your hands to the sides with the palms facing down.
  2. While exhaling, the head is turned to the left, tilted towards the left leg. The body is parallel to the floor.
  3. The left hand reaches the foot, and the right is directed straight up.
  4. Breathing is even.
  5. After several breathing cycles, move to the starting position.
yoga triangle pose for weight loss

Ardha Matsyendrsana or half the pose of the King of Pisces

This exercise stretches the spine and strengthens the muscles adjacent to the spine. The exercises are performed as follows:

  1. The starting position is sitting, place the right foot behind the left and place the foot, bringing it closer to the pelvis. Press the left elbow to the outside of the right thigh, leaning on the back of the right hand.
  2. Turn your head to the right, direct your gaze into the distance.
  3. Help with the left hand, over the lower back.
  4. In the maximum muscle stretching position, do several breathing cycles and go to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the other way.
ardha matsyendrsana yoga pose for weight loss

Salamba Shirshasana or headstand

Salamba Shirshasana will perfectly deepen the respiratory rate and open the energy of the spine, chest, diaphragm, strengthen the abdominal muscles, slow down the heartbeat, and lower blood pressure.

For safety, it is recommended that you place the stand close to the wall.

yoga headstand for weight loss

To enter Salamba Shirshasana, you need to do the following:

  • Lay the rug and kneel next to it.
  • Bend over, place your forearms in the center of the mat. Elbows open shoulder -width apart.
  • Connect and intertwine the fingers, forming a bowl with the palms of the hands. Keep the fingers locked together throughout the entire asana.
  • Place the head crown on the mat so that the palm bowl covers the back of the head.
  • Bring your knees to your head.
  • While inhaling, tear your bent knees off the floor and lift your legs with a slight jerk. Lift your legs at the same time.
  • The legs are bent backwards, pressing the heels to the back.
  • When you feel confident, straighten your legs slowly.
  • The body is perpendicular to the surface.

Shavasana or relaxing pose

This asana complements the training complex for weight loss. It promotes relaxation of the whole body.

shavasana poses from yoga for weight loss

It is necessary to lie down, spreading the lower limbs at a comfortable distance, hands lying comfortably along the body, palms up. Keep calm, eyes closed.

Concentrate on your own breathing. Try stretching in and out. We suggest you watch the video "Yoga for weight loss in 30 minutes".

How to find a version of your weight loss pose

Yoga is an Indian asana system that supports human health and fitness. Only with the harmony of soul and body, the desired result can be achieved.

For the effectiveness of exercise selection for weight loss, it is important to consider the following:

  • To get the desired shape quickly, you need class intensity.
  • If you have health problems, choose a lighter asana.
  • With strength training, you can lose weight and increase muscle volume. This must be taken into account by women who want to be slimmer.
  • When there is a stretching asana, you don’t have to worry about increasing muscle mass.
  • After class, there was no pain, the only exception being DOMS.
  • Other pain feelings indicate an error in asana performance.
pictures before and after yoga for weight loss

The possibility of yoga for weight loss

Doing yoga for weight loss:

  • The body receives a certain amount of physical activity to help burn excess calories.
  • Metabolism improves.
  • One gets used to eating properly without much effort, there is no desire to eat unhealthy foods.
  • Practicing yoga systematically, one masters proper breathing skills not only in the classroom, but also in daily life. The body is enriched with oxygen.

Complexes are selected so that all muscle groups are activated. So, the buttocks will become elastic after a few months.

This is important because the gluteal muscles are difficult to manipulate. Regular exercise will remove fat in the problem areas, muscles will gain relief, and joint mobility and flexibility will improve.