What you can drink in the diet for 7, 14 and 30 days

Radical methods of overweight are increasingly relevant among those who lose weight. Many overweight people use gastritis - surgery to reduce their volume to lose weight by eating the minimum amount of food they eat. There is a breastfeeding system, also based on the principle of shrinkage of the stomach to a small size. It can be used safely at home, and the weight loss results will be determined by how difficult it is, how long it lasts, and what list of products are allowed to be followed.

What is a drinking diet

This is an effective method for weight loss, designed according to the principle: drink everything, but do not eat anything. The concept of "drinking diet to lose weight" is not the same as weight loss system such as water diet, fasting day on fluids or medical fasting. This technique, unlike the one above, does not exclude the use of any food, but does not include the use of chewing reflexes alone. This means that all foods allowed must be liquid, even juicy.

With the help of rare foods, our body will quickly satiate, eliminate the habit of eating emotional hunger, because there is rapid and effective weight gain. The main component of all liquid foods is water in large quantities. Along with other legal provisions, it can eliminate hunger well and is calorie free.

How to comply properly

drinking diet compliance rules

The liquid method to lose weight accurately is called one of the most effective, but it does not prohibit the intake of essential nutrients for the human body from food - it does not exclude proteins, fats or carbohydrates from food, it only involves turning it into a liquid. Not all products can turn into liquid or refined (e. g. meat), so it’s a good idea to keep the pharmaceutical vitamin complex and refresh your strength with a daily serving of fresh vitamins.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Although adherents of this weight loss method show the liquid method as the best method to lose weight, its pros and cons are in the same position on the scales. Undeniable system advantages include:

  • complete cleansing of the body from food waste at the cellular level;
  • acceleration of metabolism by improving the work of the digestive tract;
  • narrowing of the stomach and satiety with a minimum amount of food;
  • rapid weight loss.

Those who lose weight using this method always experience the disadvantages:

  • is ​​psychologically very difficult to cope with the natural chewing reflex;
  • in the early stages, you must always have an obsessive appetite;
  • Frequent technical advisors at first are persistent fatigue, dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction;
  • rejection of crude foods and chewing habits is a powerful stressor for the body, which cannot be handled by everyone who wants to lose weight.


The classic version of the liquid diet is planned for a month - this is the most optimal period for complete cleansing and renewal of the body system. However, not everyone succeeds in completing this technique completely, so there are other types of diets, which are simpler, shorter and more frugal. The meaning remains the same, and the duration varies depending on the psychological mood of the person losing weight, the will and the state of his health. To get the best results from the shortest liquid method, you need to know what to drink.

Drinking Day

what you can drink during a drinking diet

The easiest way to lose weight on fluids is to drink a day. In other words, this is a normal day of fasting and no stranger. The most popular drink for a day unloading is considered water with lemon, but you should not limit yourself to just that drink. The main thing is to drink, and what is not so important. It is best if it is a mono drink, although it is allowed to mix several types of liquids throughout the day. The daily allowance is 25-35 ml per kilogram of weight, which is from 1. 5 to 3 liters. You can use the following beverages when unloading liquids:

  • tea without any sugar (black, green, herbs);
  • lean kefir or natural yogurt;
  • freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices;
  • compote from berries, fruits or dried fruits.

Three Days

This three-day demolition is basically the same as the previous option, but in this case there should be three consecutive drinking days. The condition remains the same - we only drink, but we do not eat anything. Sugary, carbonated, concentrated drinks are prohibited. Everything should be fresh, natural, prepared with your own hands. The three-day fluid unloading menu may include:

  • tea, coffee (without sugar, but the taste of a bitter drink can be added with a few tablespoons of milk), compote;
  • vegetable and fruit juices, cocktails, smoothies;
  • low-fat dairy products and fermentation products (fermented roasted milk is best used in minimum quantities due to its high fat content);
  • agar-agar - berry or oatmeal.

Seven Days

An effective but challenging seven-day liquid technique course will help you lose one and a half kilograms a day. To diversify, slightly enrich a slightly liquid diet, you can include meat and fish broth in the menu for 7 days, but they should be cooked with the addition of a minimum amount of salt, because salty drinks, such as salty foods, store fluids in the body and prevent weight loss. . You can enhance the taste of the finished broth with the ingredients of herbs, carrots or celery.

exemplary drinking diet menu

Recommended drinks:

  • tea without sugar, compote, jelly;
  • dairy products and sour milk;
  • juice, smoothie, vegetable soup;
  • broth: meat (lean - chicken or beef) or fish.

For 10 days

Significantly increases metabolism; drinking food for 10 days will help to lose at least 10 kilograms. The first steps in this technique can be very difficult, but by the middle of the diet liquid foods will become regular and will saturate the body quickly, though not for a long time. Therefore, it is better to adhere to a healthy diet: eat more often, but limit the size of the portion eaten. The list of allowed ten-day drinks is almost the same as the short liquid method. Here:

  • any tea, coffee, compote, uzvar, jelly;
  • skim milk, kefir, natural yogurt;
  • vegetable broth, meat and fish broth;
  • fresh juices, vegetable and fruit cocktails.

For two weeks

Although the weekly or ten-day liquid method can run easily, a 2-week drinking diet is a little harder to follow. The amount of nutrients received by the body is very limited, therefore, after following such a diet, in addition to all the above drinks, you must include vegetable soup in your daily diet, cooked without spices, and then rubbed with a blender until consistently watery. For its preparation, fresh vegetables and frozen vegetables purchased at the store are suitable.

For a month

The most difficult and longest method of liquid weight loss is a one-month drinking diet. To last long in abstinence from gross foods, one must prepare mentally and physically. It is not possible, without habit and initial training, to suddenly abandon normal foods, switch to fluids - this can threaten damage, resulting in weight loss and health problems. You can drink anything on a monthly liquid diet that has a liquid consistency and is listed in all of the above lists.


a strict drinking diet for weight loss

Any liquid technique, regardless of length, can be said to be quite difficult, because in it each solid food is completely removed from the diet. The worst drinking diet is considered to eat exclusively with water (fasting) and long-term nutrition with a variety of fluids - a month or more. The liquid short-term diet, in which a variety of beverages, vegetables and fruits, cocktails, stews, broths, grated soups are eaten, is considered less harsh and safe for health.

Choco Drink Diet

Such an attractive and flavorful method of weight loss can be attributed to two groups of diets at once: drinking and mono diet, because the only product allowed to be eaten in a surprise drinking diet is cocoa. Either boil with a little low-fat milk, or dilute with water without sugar or other sweeteners. You can try cocoa for one to seven days, experts do not recommend torturing the body anymore, as health is a reward for the pounds lost with this approach.


Disposal of fluids one day does not require a specific dietary solution. A longer and more serious fluid nutrition system must end with a smooth exit from the drinking diet. For a long time on the fluid, the digestive tract stops receiving and processing solid food, so they need to be incorporated into the food gradually. The exit period should be the same as the two courses of the liquid feeding system passed.

In the first few days after breakfast, experts recommend limiting yourself to a small amount of melted oatmeal, then continuing your normal drinking diet throughout the day. Then you can try incorporating a lightly concentrated product into your lunch - boiled eggs, a slice of hard cheese, a cucumber salad, or an apple. After a week of going through a system like this, you should switch to solid and low-fat foods, gradually returning to a normal, regular diet.


The liquid method is the simplest and easiest to prepare: products that are allowed to be used are either ready or require minimal heat treatment. A large number of recipes for a drinking diet are all kinds of drinks, the technology of its preparation is no stranger to a child. It is quite difficult to make mashed soup, because here the vegetables must be boiled first, and then mashed with a blender. Since this technique does not have a clear menu, but allows you to focus on your own gastronomic preferences, everyone will have their own recipe.